Organic Beauty Empties | February 2020

Organic Beauty Empties-Feb 2020I’m back with an organic beauty empties post today! To my own surprise, the only products I’ve decluttered this past month was makeup stuff:

Kjaer Weis Cream Blush in Happy: it took me almost four years to finish this blush. Can you believe it? As you can see, there still is a tiny bit of product left, but it started to dry up a while ago, so I knew it’s time to let it go. I loved this blush, and it lasted me so long not because I didn’t use it, but because the tiniest amount of it was more than enough for a lovely everyday look. The color Happy might not be the color that everyone will like, but if you’re into the look of healthy flushed cheeks, you’ll love this
Would I repurchase it? Yes. Although, because cream blushes last me such a long time and I’m currently using the Juice Beauty cream blush, I’m not planning on adding another one to my collection anytime soon.

Madara City CC Cream with SPF15 in Light: I’ve mentioned this CC cream so many times on this blog and on Instagram, that at this point, I feel like I should change my name from Organic Beauty Blogger to Madara CC Blogger 😀 It is just perfect for everyday wear, especially, if you don’t like heavy foundations. It has a lovely texture, which gives some coverage but looks and feels natural.
Would I repurchase it? Already did. Like, 1000+ times before.

Zuii Flora Organic Eyebrow Definer in Taupe: or an eyebrow pencil, if you will. I did enjoy using this one, but there were some aspects I didn’t particularly like. First of all, the shade Taupe is a nice versatile shade. Second, I really liked its soft, creamy texture and the fact that the Definer is easy to carry around.

What I wish was different: the tip might be too wide for someone with thinner brows. It was OK if I was filling the front part of my brows, but I had to be very careful when filling the end. Also, it had a nice and creamy texture at first, but it started drying up pretty soon.
Would I repurchase it? No, unfortunately, the tip is too wide for my brows.

Eye Of Horus Brow Define Pencil: this is gold you guys! One of the best brow products for thinner brows I’ve tried so far. It’s precise, soft, and so easy to use. The shade Husk (the lightest one they have) is an amazing light ash brown. It also did not dry up at all, not one bit.
Would I repurchase it? Absolutely!

RMS Beauty Un-Cover Up Concealer Foundation: one of the most raved products of green beauty few years ago, so I was excited to try it. I still think it’s a good product, which delivers results. But the thing is, I really struggled with the application. I mean, it did amazing things to my skin, IF I’ve applied it right, which wasn’t always an easy thing to do. You see, I’m a mama, I don’t always have time for precise makeup (I guess this is why Madara CC Cream has worked so well for me, you don’t need precision with it. And did I just mention that product again???). So in the end, I ended up using the Un-Cover Up as a concealer, which was OK, but not really its purpose.
Would I repurchase it? No. I still think it’s a nice product, but I just don’t have time for application.

So, it seems that is it for today. Have an amazing week, and I’ll be back soon probably with some organic skincare goodies to share about!

Have you tried any of the products mentioned above? Share your experience!

Inga | Organic Beauty Blogger
Inga | Organic Beauty Blogger

I’m Inga, the creator of this online place called Organic Beauty Blogger. Since 2013, I’ve been on a mission to redefine beauty by sharing my insights into the world of green beauty.

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