Portland Bee Balm Organic Lip Balm Review + Giveaway

This giveaway is now closed.

Portland Bee Balms Oregon Mint 1Portland Bee Balm* stands out from the crowd with its organic lip balms. Being both socially and environmentally responsible, the brand uses local resources when creating its natural balms. How so? The main ingredient – beeswax – is collected from the local beekeepers. The package (which is beyond cute!) is handcrafted by the local woodworkers Also, the ink used on the lip balm tube is soy-based, and all the labels are made of non-pulped wood, using fewer chemicals and less energy in manufacturing.

See the ingredients:

Local Northwest Oregon Beeswax, Organic Cold Pressed Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, Organic California Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Oregon Peppermint Essential Oil.

The lip balm is yellowish in color. Its texture is soft and comfortable. It’s non-sticky and feels moisturizing and pleasant on the lips. The balm has a powerful peppermint scent. Peppermint gives a slightly cooling and tingling effect, which is nice for warm summer days.

Portland Bee Balm In Oregon Mint 2Available online at Portland Bee Balm for $2.99.

Now onto the good news! The brand kindly send me an extra tube of the lip balm to give away to one of you guys! The giveaway is open worldwide and, as usual, you can enter using the Rafflecopter widget below (one entry per person). The giveaway closes on Sunday. The winner will be announced shortly after.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck!

Inga | Organic Beauty Blogger
Inga | Organic Beauty Blogger

I’m Inga, the creator of this online place called Organic Beauty Blogger. Since 2013, I’ve been on a mission to redefine beauty by sharing my insights into the world of green beauty.

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10 years ago

My summer is going well so far! We just moved into our home, so lots of DIY projects will be taking up most of my time!

10 years ago

Oh, the package looks really cute! 🙂 I will try how lucky I am 😀

10 years ago

Summer? What summer? It was rainy for the last 3 days now…

10 years ago

It is wonderful! I am enjoying every minute of it!

10 years ago

Wow I love the packaging, it is really cute! My summer is going great, the one thing that’s kinda annoying me is that’s really cold in my country at the moment, like it’s fall, I don’t know what’s going on there but the weekend should be warm again so that’s cool! :)) Thanks for the giveaway! xx

10 years ago

Looking forward my holiday in August to enjoy the summer. Nice giveaway, thank you

Karin Shaim
Karin Shaim
10 years ago
Reply to  Csilla

it’s pretty good 😀

10 years ago

My summer is going great!! Looking forward to spending more time with friends and family.

Catherine Culmer
Catherine Culmer
10 years ago
Reply to  Nora

Lovely – I’m on Maternity Leave


Priscilla S.
Priscilla S.
10 years ago

My summer is going well. I’m looking forward to a little vacation at the end of the month and I’m happy that the weather isn’t unbearably hot so far 🙂

10 years ago
Reply to  Priscilla S.

Its going all right, the sun is shining but I can’t seem to find a job 🙁

10 years ago

Summer is off with a bang! Super hot days and lots of blogging! :0) – Kathryne

Erin Redding
Erin Redding
10 years ago

I’m ready for summer to be over already!! Don’t know how many more of these 110 degree days I can take :). Bring on winter!!

frances hopkins
frances hopkins
10 years ago


10 years ago

I’m enjoying the sunshine and spending time with my family 🙂

Natalie Crossan
Natalie Crossan
10 years ago

Very busy thank you 🙂 Working lots but trying to enjoy the sun!

michelle bennett
10 years ago

Bit poo if im honest 😀 Its been raining so have not got out much

10 years ago

I am preparing to move. The packing and unpacking are not things I am looking forward to doing.

10 years ago

Hubby lost his job but on the positive side he gets to spend more time with the kids. I call it an unplanned vacation haha

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x

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